Boat Project Rubric

Irubric txb934: students are expected to make a boat of appropriate, accessible and home, materials. the boat must float and carry a small weight.. free rubric builder and assessment tools.. Project description this project was a culminating performance task for a unit on fluid dynamics, density and archimedes' principle. students are given a pre-measured amount of clay and three straws. the goal is to design a boat that will maximize buoyant force. their design is limited only by the materials available.. Ask students to refer to the project rubric as they develop their presentations, and use both teacher and peer feedback to provide each group with information to revise their projects before the final presentation. assess the presentations and brochures with the project rubric for content, presentation, and organization..

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Rubric for staying afloat project exceptional (4) supported at least 1000 grams for minimum of 20 seconds report indicates proper measurements taken for the amount of foil used, area, weight and pressure of the boat.. As part of this introduction to the project, also review the rubric in part 2: create. when reviewing the rubric, use the strategy of reviewing exemplars: float-a-boat final project student work to illustrate expectations. this helps address the student need for structure in open-ended projects.. To help students explore, students analyze a data set representing the results of the float-a-boat design challenge using the float-a-boat rubric. this rubric is created indirectly by students as they generate ideas during this lesson: scientists of the round table..

boat project rubric
